Saturday, January 9, 2010

Past History

Life in a small town has been a tremendous change from where I have grown up and lived, not necessarily bad just very different. It took me about a year to realize that there are no neighborhoods per Se here. The shopping mall wasn't built until 2002. It's not a huge one but it's a mall and serves the needs of our local populace. When people want excitement they go to Phoenix an hour and a half away. Life here is relatively quiet. One thing I have not been able to get past though is constantly bumping into people I have known briefly or not so briefly whether it was a positive or a negative acquaintance. Sometimes you just don't want to make awkward small talk. The other day coming out of a local thrift store I saw someone and immediately hope she wouldn't recognize me so I could avoid chit chatting, there was nowhere to hide so I braced myself for it and at the last moment employed my old high school evasive maneuver and hung my head down as I walked......success she didn't even slow down!! I consider myself to be a friendly person but there are days when all you want to do is be left alone and when you live in a small town that is sometimes hard to do.

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