Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Almost snow......

This has been a particularly rough winter here, driving is a free for all for an area that doesn't get snow regularly. The weather is also starting to affect people too, my son's school took them on a walking trip to the old Armory and I think it's a preemptive move by the teacher's to gain some sanity outside the classroom. I am starting to feel like Jack Nicholson from "The Shining" and developing a case of the winter blues, any time I expect to see a couple of creepy little girls beckoning to stave off this madness I Google tropical beaches and beautiful green scenery from Ireland and think about planting beautiful flowers in what is now a swampy front yard. The part that really gets me lately is the feeling of isolation this weather procures, we have a small 1934 cottage and I call it the Hobbit house because it is low ceiling and dark, normally it's very cozy but this bone chilling weather makes it a bit more like a cave. Well off to make some deliciously warm soup and start working.

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