Sunday, January 3, 2010

I think I saw the crypt keeper today!!

So my husband and I like to do our bi-weekly grocery shopping at our local supermarket during the later hours and by later here at "God's Way station", Arizona I mean 6:30 p.m. or so. Our town is comprised mainly of retirees and college students so we are considered exotic creatures are our local market because we shop for our family of four which usually means we have a full shopping cart, inevitably there is usually only one register available and that is the 15 items only express checkout. Tonight we managed to upset an elderly couple who kept muttering with disgust under their breath until they went to the customer service desk to check out perhaps truly convinced that either my husband and I can't count or we are inconsiderate boors. This is the second time this happens and frankly I am tempted to make it a full time hobby. After all there is not much in the way of entertainment here so why not irritate a smug, superior, crypt keeper clone once in a while?

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